Whether you're a faculty member or a student, BC's teaching and learning resources are here to help. You can reach out to the Center for Teaching Excellence for support, learn more about Canvas, or discover what classroom spaces and technology are available to you.

Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) @ BC

Generative AI technology (such as ChatGPT) can be used in a variety of ways; from aiding researchers and students in their academic pursuits, to optimizing administrative tasks.

As with any new technology, there are risks. Content creation by AI can potentially be misused, like generating misleading information or deep fakes. Ethical concerns also arise around AI authorship.

ITS is keeping pace with this technological evolution by exploring the technology, considering potential applications and developing guidelines to ensure its responsible use. By keeping step with these developments, ITS is striving to turn this advancement into an asset for our campus community, while staying vigilant of the potential risks.

Security Reminder

Be aware that any information entered in an AI system (or Large Language Model) may not only be processed but also retained and used by the AI to give answers to others. This means if you enter any personal information about yourself or any confidential Boston College information, that information may be stored and potentially shared with
or sold to others!

Important: Do not use your BC credentials (BC username or password) to sign up for Generative AI tools. You may use your firstname.lastname@dcinhyu.net BC email address.

Boston College provides free access to thousands of courses on LinkedIn Learning, giving students, faculty, and staff an opportunity for self-paced learning about topics that interest them.

Our partner, the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) supports instructors throughout their careers to create engaging and inclusive learning environments for their students.

Our partner, the Center for Digital Innovation in Learning (CDIL) collaborates with faculty members from across the university in the design of thoughtful technology-enhanced learning experiences.

Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) designed to help faculty share course content, administer and grade assignments, and manage asynchronous interactions such as online discussions. A course site is provided for every course at BC, and students and instructors are automatically enrolled.

JupyterHub gives users access to Jupyter Notebook environments (computational environments and resources) virtually. Instructors can make individual workspaces (e.g., "Hubs") available to students using shared resources, managed by system administrators.

ITS provides support for classroom technology including projectors, audio systems, and video.